Dear members of research community who are interested in working at the Yves Bergeron Dendroecological/Paleoecological lab at the Research station FERLD:
Since now on you should use online reservation system if you want to use the lab.
The system is available through a link from a lab's page ( The direct link is (I thank Daniel L for this elegant piece of coding!)
To book the time at the lab, you follow three simple steps:
1. contact Igor D by email ( to obtain your own login and pass for the system
2. use it to book one or several work stations (carefully read the station descriptions before booking)
3. actually come to the lab OR cancel booking in case you cannot come.
For my and your own comfort and peace of mind, the booking is a must, and yes, it naturally should be done in advance. If you see that a resource is already booked by somebody else, feel free to contact this lucky person by email (which you will see there). You may still have a chance…
If you are coming for samples sanding, you need to go through security instructions - please contact Igor D. or Raynald Julien (, (819) 762-0971 poste 2055 ou cell. (819) 763-9103).
After finishing your work, we all would be happy to see a cleaned space, readily available for the next user. At the lab we have a bunch of small but very helpful accessories (tissues, mops, brushes, a vacuum cleaner) to assist you here.
Samples. Please tell me if you are bringing a large volume of samples. Large volume means more than one banana box. Be prepared to take samples with you when you finish your work. Some exceptions apply.
Finally, please, don't move computers/binos/scanners/microscopes or any other equipment around. This creates chaos, which can be a source of troubles (watch Lars von Triers "Antichrist" to see an example).
Thank you and enjoy the lab!
Igor Drobyshev