project name / partner
Impact of forest fires on paludification and forest succession
Centre de Bio-Archéologie et d'écologie, Université Montpellier 2, France (Pierre Crespin, Adam Ali)
Fire history of mixed-pine forests of Eastern North America
School of Environment and Natural Resources OARDC, The Ohio State University (Charles Goebel)
Global and regional trends in fire weather indexes
Service canadien des forêts, Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides, Canada (Martin P. Girardin)
Development of blue-ray scanning applications in dendrochronology
DELA, Dendrochronological Laboratory at the Southern Swedish Research Centre of the Swedish Agricultural University (SLU) in Alnarp, Sweden
Tree growth at weekly scales
Dendrochronological laboratory of Hubert Morin, UQAC, Québec, Canada
Forest dynamics and tree growth patterns at transitional vegetation zones in eastern Canada and northeastern China
Beijin Forestry University (Yun Zhang)
Tree growth patterns of dominant species in northern slope of Changbai mountain, northeastern China
Beijin Forestry University (Lushuang Gao)